Node.Js on Windows

by Joseph on Jun 23rd in Uncategorized

According to the Node.Js official Blog, Microsoft is partnering with Joyent to bring Node.Js to Windows. Read the full article here.

What ramifications does this have?

Windows 8 is supposedly going to be developed with HTML5 as the main application UI layer in mind… Meaning that Node.Js could become a major player in windows development in the very near future.

Node.Js is already poised to become a major player in device development, as it is a major component in the WebOS 3.0 framework (no details, as the NDA prevents further information until the public release).

With a Windows version of Node.Js, HTML5 \ CSS3 developers could easily port new web applications to a WebOS device… Potentially giving HP a chance to take market share from Android (though it is doubtful they will catch up to Apple).

This is exciting news indeed!!!

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