Remote Debugging with Visual Studio 2008… Almost

by Joseph on Apr 30th in DCOM, Debugging, Ping, Remote Access, Remote Debugging, TCP, UDP, Visual Studio 2008, Windows Live OneCare

Today has been long. I’ve been trying to figure out why on earth my Remote Debugger wouldn’t run. I had the Remote Debugging Monitor set up correctly on both machines, but I kept getting an error message about DCOM: “Unable to start debugging on the web server. The Visual Studio Remote Debugger on the target […]

Geting started with Entity Framework

by Joseph on Apr 21st in ADO Legacy, C#, Entity Framework

So I wrote my first Linq to Entity Framework query today. Took a little bit of research to really understand what was happening, but here goes my explanation: using (DataBase db = new DataBase()) // Relatively obvious… This sets up the data connection. { //var letters = db.Receipt_View; // A custom MSSQL View based on […]

Getting started with Test Driven Development

by Joseph on Apr 19th in C#, Euler Project, mbUnit, Test Driven Development

So I decided today that I would knock out two birds with one stone: Get started using Test Driven Development so that I can learn how to use it in an upcoming project Start earning “street cred” by solving the Euler Project puzzles. I’ve been putting off TDD due to fear, consternation, and general trepidation […]

Introduction of Silverlight 3

by Joseph on Apr 17th in .Net, C#, Entity Framework, Houston Tech Fest, North Houston .Net User's Group, Silverlight, Silverlight 3, Web Development

Yesterday was the April meeting for North Houston .Net User’s Group.Tony Champion introduced us to the benefits of developing Rich Internet Applications in Silverlight 3. While I haven’t done any SL3 applications in the past myself, his demos showed a remarkably robust data-driven form application that he wrote using Entity Framework and Silverlight, and it […]

Houston Alt.Net Geek Dinner

by Joseph on Apr 14th in Houston Alt.Net, Star City Pizza

Tonight is the April meeting for Alt.Net Houston.We will be meeting at Star City Pizza down on 59 and Shephard.Be there at 6PM!

Podcast: Houston ALT.NET Open Spaces Why Blog and Open Source?

by Joseph on Apr 11th in Azamsharp, Blogging, High on Coding, Houston Alt.Net, Open Source, Open Spaces

Mohammed Azam, from High On Coding, recorded the following podcast during the Houston Alt.Net Open Spaces Conference, April 3-5. Podcast: Houston ALT.NET Open Spaces Why Blog and Open Source?

What is software quality?

by Joseph on Apr 10th in Uncategorized

Software quality refers to a number of standards, from functionality (does it perform as expected) to performance (does it perform as QUICKLY as expected). When considering quality from the development perspective, the question “Does it work” is only the tip of the iceberg. For instance, in writing a base “Hello World” application, there are a […]

Self-Closing elements in your schema?

by Joseph on Apr 10th in compatibility, Expression Web 2, HTML, Schema errors, XHTML

While using MS Expression Web, I received an error stating “This element is not allowed to be self closing in the current schema. Remove the closing slash.” I had never seen that error before, and went hunting for the root cause. Enter this nifty post that explains WHY self-closing elements could be bad:

Top Ten C# Keywords to Avoid – From CodeThinked

by Joseph on Apr 6th in Uncategorized

Interesting post from CodeThinked: Top Ten C# Keywords to avoid I will have to mull this one over. I suspect I use the “out” keyword more often than I ought to. I think I agree, however, with the multiple comments reminding the reader that these are keywords to “avoid”, not drop out of the language […]

SQL Server 2008 – Change multiple Table Schemas at once

by Joseph on Apr 6th in SQL Server, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, Table Schema

Need to change all the table schemas at one time? In my case, the default schema in the early run through DB design was the username (i.e. username.tablename) Obviously, this has caused problems down the road. Here’s a fairly simple fix that will work in SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008:exec sp_MSforeachtable “ALTER SCHEMA […]

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