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Installing FrontPage Server Extensions for Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7

by Joseph on Apr 2nd in Uncategorized

Installing FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) for Windows 2008 and IIS 7 Installing the FPSE under IIS 7 can be tricky, in fact I spent most of the morning trying to wrestle it down. Hopefully, this article can shed some light. Finding FrontPage Server Extensions This is the easy part. When Microsoft discontinued support for FrontPage […]

Clearing the Visual Studio 2008 Web Cache

by Joseph on Mar 10th in Visual Studio 2008, Web Development

If you ever have issues with the server and local copies of a website getting out of synch, you may want to try clearing you cache in the following location:C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Local Settings\Temp\VWDWebCache

Service Oriented Architecture – Promises and Challenges

by Joseph on Mar 8th in Service Granularity, Service Oriented Architecture, SOA, SOA Benefits, SOA Buusiness Vaalue, SOA Challenges

The promise of Service Oriented Architecture In his presentation on the Business Value of Service-Oriented Architecture (Ordeedolchest, 2004), Manoo specified 4 major business reasons for implementing a Service Oriented Architecture: Cost, Productivity, Partnership, and Agility. By using a service model in which individual services perform discreet functions based on a well-defined contract, developers can increase […]

Configure Sql Server 2008 for remote connections

by Joseph on Mar 5th in Remote Access, SQL Server, SQL Server 2008, TCP

For help with SQL Server 2008 remote connections, check this link out:How to configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remote connections on Windows Server 2008 (Longhorn) / Windows Vista It looks like it would only be for SQL Server 2005 remote connections, but the second tip worked like a charm for me. The part about […]

Service Oriented Architecture Quality Assurance

by Joseph on Feb 26th in Quality Assurance, Service Oriented Architecture, SOA

Quality assurance in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is necessarily more complex than conventional software. Due to the concept coined by Vinoski (2008) as serendipities reuse, most SOA developers must plan, by default, for unknown uses of their software in future cases. Testing can be done with regards to service load and intended functionality, but for […]

Define a Hexadecimal number in C#

by Joseph on Dec 12th in C#, hex, hexadecimal, integer, literal hex

This one took me a bit of searching… To represent a literal hex number (i.e. “FF”), is like this:int h = 0xFF;Preface the hex # with a “0x” and it treats it as hex. Much like C++ actually…


by Joseph on Aug 26th in Uncategorized

I’ve recently added “MalwareBytes’ Anti-Malware” to my IT Toolbox. I used it during troubleshooting of an infestation of the Joke.BluSOD (a virus with a sense of humor….) and it revealed a number of previously unfound infections on my client’s computer. Let me know what you think!

Regular Expressions in C#

by Joseph on Jul 18th in C#, Regular expressions

I needed to validate a form for numeric and integer fields. The C-Sharp Corner seems to cover Regular Expressions pretty well in this article. Essentially, I created a new class named RegularExpressions and added the following: using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // Function to test for Positive Integers.public bool IsNaturalNumber(String strNumber){Regex objNotNaturalPattern=new Regex(“[^0-9]”);Regex objNaturalPattern=new Regex(“0*[1-9][0-9]*”);return !objNotNaturalPattern.IsMatch(strNumber) &&objNaturalPattern.IsMatch(strNumber);}// Function […]

IIS and .Net 2.0

by Joseph on Jul 11th in .Net, aspnet_regiis.exe, ASPX, IIS

I was installing a web application today, and came across a strange problem. ASPX .Net 2.0 wouldn’t start. Luckily, a google search of “error 0x80131902” brought me to “Jonathan’s Blog“, which explained how to fix the issue. Essentially, all that was needed was the following steps (quoted from Jonathan’s article): With a command window, get […]

Database Installation

by Joseph on Jul 1st in Database install, Publish Database, Server Explorer, Setup and Deployment, SQL Server, Visual Studio 2008, VS 2008

Visual Studio 2008 has this nifty tool for scripting databases. If you have an existing data connection in your Server Explorer, you can right-click on a database, select “Publish to Provider”, and voila, you have your entire database scripted to a file. Now, you may think “Hey, I can run this on another server, and […]

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