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Business Driven Software Development

by Joseph on Jul 16th in Business Drivers, Business Needs, Project Drivers, Project Evaluation

As a software engineer, project proposals are available in spades. Learning how to evaluate business needs and technical needs is a basic job prerequisite (Parkinson, 2000). Parkinson explains that there is a significant difference between a technical requirement and a business requirement. An example of a technical requirement would be needing a new printer. A […]

Characteristics of quality software

by Joseph on Jul 11th in Uncategorized

Software Quality Software Quality is a concept has been discussed and defined in a number of excellent books and articles. Granular-Level specific characteristics are numerous, and the weight placed on one aspect may differ from company to company, or even from project to project. However, with the assistance of the Pfleeger and Atlee text (2006) […]

Entity Framework Eager Loading

by Joseph on Jul 7th in .Net, ADO Legacy, C#, Entity Framework, LINQ

So I REALLY hate the way that Entity Framework does the Eager Loading system. One of the biggest things gained from EF over legacy ADO was the fact that queries have compile-time checking. With the .Include(string s) method, we end up back in the same place we started. I’m hoping things are fixed when .Net […]

Foreign Key relationships in Entity Framework

by Joseph on Jul 6th in .Net 3.5, C#, Entity Framework

I received the following error while trying to use Entity Framework to update an object. The property ‘AccessLevelID’ is part of the object’s key information and cannot be modified. The object is a User, who has an AccessLevel foreign key. The problem was in my code, which looked like this: user.FullName = FullName;user.LoginName = LoginName;user.Password […]

Cannot change a SQL Login to a different user

by Joseph on Jul 2nd in Uncategorized

At some point during your SQL Server development time, you will eventually create a database while logged in to the server with a login other than SA. If this happens, your dbo user account will be mapped to the account which created the database (call it sa2 for now). A year later, when the db […]

Update to Clearing the Visual Studio 2008 Web Cache

by Joseph on Jun 5th in IDE, Local Cache, Visual Studio 2008, Web Development

If you’re using Windows Vista, the location of Visual Web Developer’s cache will be different from what I posted earlier. The new location is at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Temp\VWDWebCache

C# Plugin Architecture

by Joseph on May 12th in Architecture, C#, DLLs, Plugins

Working with DLLs and C# plugins can be an interesting problem. In our particular case, I needed to be able to drop in a dll (not known at compile time) based on a known interface, and have it discovered an run during runtime. I found the following video that made everything crystal clear: Other interesting […]

Office Live Dialog keeps popping up

by Joseph on May 6th in MS Office, Office Live

An update to MS Office caused the following message box to appear continually:MESSAGE TEXT [Title] Office Live Workspace [Body]Get Started With Office Live Thanks for installing Office live add-in via Microsoft Update. You can now get started using Office Live Workspace. This Office Live Workspace lets you: -Access and view documents from almost any computer […]

Email Queue

by Joseph on May 3rd in C#, EMail, QUEUE, SMTP

So I was thinking about the situation of one of the websites I work with. The website is on a separate server from the SMTP server, so requests for information, purchases, etc. risk getting dead air. I chose to solve this problem by setting up a fairly simple queue on the web server. Essentially, any […]

Code Dojo at Houston Alt.Net

by Joseph on May 3rd in Code Dojo, Houston Alt.Net, JP Hamilton, Microsoft

JP Hamilton will soon be teaching a Code Dojo at the Houston Microsoft office. All of the information is on the Houston Alt.Net Wiki, so come over and check it out! If you’re ready to register, head over to the Registration Page. WHEN: May 7th at 6 PMWHERE: Microsoft Office in HoutonWHAT: Totally awesome TDD […]

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